
生态文明创新环境工程与科技的发展模式 被引量:7

New Development of Environmental Engineering and Technical Innovation Based on Ecological Civilization Viewpoint
摘要 基于生产力和生产关系的角度剖析了生态文明的内涵,从人类文明史的演进过程解析了当前人类社会面临的生态环境问题成因,分析了技术、经济和环境三者之间的相互关系,论述了科技创新和进步在生态文明建设中的重要地位。研究表明:科学技术是人类文明不断演进的重要驱动力,也是当代全球性、区域性生态环境问题的根源所在。生态文明是以人与自然和谐共融为核心的人类社会文明形态,与科学发展观内涵一致,本质上是对建立在现代工业文明基础之上的人与自然关系的调整和重构,强调在地球生态系统可持续发展尺度上建立资源节约型、环境友好型的生产方式和消费模式,以实现环境与经济协调发展、人与自然和谐共融。生态文明依赖于绿色科技革命,环境工程与科技是生态文明的重要推动力。最后,针对我国面临日益严峻的环境形势和环境保护战略需求,提出了未来我国环境工程与科技创新的六大基本原则和六大重点领域。 The connotation of ecological civilization was dissected from the perspective of productive forces and production relations. The causes of eco-environmental problems were explored and the relationships among technology, economy and environment analyzed based on the evolution of human civilization. The significance of technological innovation and advancement in ecological civilization construction was discussed. The research shows that science and technology are important driving forces on human civilization evolution, but also the roots of the global and regional eco-environmental problems. The core of ecological civilization is the harmonious coexistence between human and nature. With the connotation in conformity with that of the Scientific Outlook of Development, ecological civilization in nature is the adjustment and reconstruction of the relationship between human and nature which is based on modern industrial civilization. It builds resources-saving and environmental-friendly production models and green consumption patterns in the scale of sustainable development of earth ecosystems and its goal is to achieve the harmony between environmental and economic development, and the integration between human and nature. The construction of ecological civilization depends on green technology revolution, and the environmental engineering and technical innovation are the important impetus on it. Finally, aiming at the environmental strategic demands and the increasingly deteriorative environmental problems in China, six basic principles and six key fields were proposed for the future development of environmental engineering and technical innovation.
作者 孟伟 傅泽强
出处 《环境工程技术学报》 CAS 2011年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2008ZX07526-001) 国家自然科学基金项目(40871258) 中国工程科技中长期发展战略研究联合基金(U0970161)
关键词 生态文明 环境工程 环境科技 创新 ecological civilization environmental engineering environmental science and technology innovation
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