
制取颗粒冰新方法——气体引射法 被引量:1

New method for producing ice-slurry by gas-ejection
摘要 提出一种制取颗粒冰的新方式:冷气流流经文丘里管并在最小截面处产生负压,吸入常温液态水,水在低温的气流中迅速地雾化结冰。该方法通过雾化来降低水滴的直径,极大地增加了其相对换热表面积,避免了传统静态制冰方式中因结冰厚度的增加而引起传热热阻增大的问题。系统除一个循环风机外无任何运动部件,故具有很好的可靠性。 Puts forward one new method of producing ice-slurry: air with low temperature flows through the Venturi tube and generates minus pressure which sucks in the water with the ambience parameter,the water atomizes and freezes quickly in the cold fluid.This method decreases the diameter of ice-slurry and hence increases the relative interface area significantly.Moreover,the method avoids thermal resistance deterioration caused by the increase of ice thickness which occurs in the traditional method.The system has no motional part except the cycling fan,so it is more reliable.
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《制冷与空调》 2010年第6期33-37,共5页 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
关键词 颗粒冰 文丘里管 气体引射 雾化 制冰设备 ice slurry Venturi tube gas-ejection atomization ice making equipment
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