Territorial Analysis of Medical-geographycal Conditions and the Problems of Health of the Population of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Territorial Analysis of Medical-geographycal Conditions and the Problems of Health of the Population of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Republic of Uzbekistan differs amongst other countries of the Central Asia by its peculiar medical-geographical conditions. Uzbekistan has dry, roast summer and cool winter which is uncharacteristic to subtropical climate. These factors have certain influence on health of the population. The meteorological conditions of each season promote the activations or decrease of various diseases in the Republic. The growth of the diseases of digestive organs, respiratory apparatus and cardiovascular diseases cause the special anxiety in the country. The analysis shows that from 1999 to 2009 nosogeographical situation is mostly worsened in Navaiy region. On the contrary, in the regions of Dzhizak, Samarkand and Khorezm common sickness rate of the population is decreased slightly.
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