River Ghataprabha, during its course through Belgaum district in Karnataka state (India), receives untreated domestic waste from Gokak town and other neighboring villages situated on the bank of the river. The present study involves the application of water quality model QUAL2K to predict the water quality of this polluted segment of the river. The model was calibrated and validated for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO) and total nitrogen (TN) in pre-monsoon season. Data for calibration and validation were obtained after the field and laboratory measurements. The performance of the model was evaluated using statistics based on standard errors (SE) and mean multiplicative errors (MME). The model represented the field data quite well with some exceptions. In spite of some differences between the measured and simulated data sets at some points, the calibration and validation results are acceptable especially for the developing countries where the financial resources are often limited for frequent monitoring campaigns and higher accuracy data analysis.