传统方式下的Red5集群,存在着负载不均衡和冗余数据多的缺陷,因此需要一种更好的方案来实现Red5集群。负载均衡器能动态监控Red5 Server端的流量,并对客户端的请求进行调度,用来平衡负载。选择性集群能够对Red5 Server端的共享数据按需调度,避免数据冗余。基于上述思想,结合利用Terracotta和Red5中间件技术,实现了Red5下的高效集群方案,并通过实例验证方案的优越性。
The traditional way of red5 cluster has the defects of load imbalance and redundancy data.So it's necessary to suggest a better solution to implement red5 cluster.Load Balancer could monitor red5 server's data dynamically and balance the clients' requests.Selectively Cluster could allocate the red5 server's data efficiently and avoid the redundancy data.This page is based on those thought,combining Terracotta with red5 middle-ware,and suggest a more efficient way of red5 cluster,also use actual tests to approve the superiority of this method.
Microcomputer Applications