The generation and development of peat are controlled directly by hydrothermal condition on the Earth's surface, which in ttirn depends upon the clirnatic, geologic, geomrphologicand hydrogtheic conditions during the formatdri period of peat. Based on the abundant surveying data, this paper describes the peat distributdri in the six regions of China and analyzesbrtefly the distribution characteristics of sevral types of peat. For areas controlled by fluvial activity with peat formation, the distribution of Peat bog is charaterized by being fewer in trunkstrearn areas, more in tributary areas, fewer in lower reaches and more in upper reaches; forthose areas of giant-scale tectonic lake basins there rnay fully develop the peat the and form thegiant-scale deposits with thick-boded and widespread peat; the peat bogs of crater lake basintype and dammed lake basin type had experienced a long-term developmnt in a stable environment, where the formation of deopits rnay be up to 9. 0-9. 5 m thick; the floodplain twr peatin plain areas, being affected by fldri events during its formatdri period, is characterized by numerous beds of rather srnall thickness. The systernatic analysis and study rnade by the Ministryof thelogy and Mineral Roources by the end of 1980s on the surveying reports of China's 30bureaus of geology and Anneral meurces hav yielded an amount of peat meurce of the wholecountry (not including Taiwan Province) of 4. 687 billion ton (dry weight) which was converted in 1998 after the stipulation of Intemational Peat atiety(IPS), in voumetric weight withwater content 40 %, into an amount of rmurces of 12. 496 billion ton. This shows the disequilibriurn of the enrce distribution and the mederate quality of China's peat. In comparison tocountries rich in peat areces, China belongs to thsoe with comaratively rich peat meurces.
Earth Science Frontiers