
山东省农村居民标示盐勺和刻度油壶干预效果研究 被引量:11

Study on intervention effect of salt measuring spoons and scaled oil pots for rural residents in Shandong provinve
摘要 目的了解标示盐勺和刻度油壶在山东省中西部农村地区的发放及使用情况,并评价膳食工具干预效果。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,从山东省中西部地区8个县(市、区)抽取部分农村居民家庭,免费发放标示盐勺和刻度油壶,并进行膳食指导。结果干预村农村居民盐勺和油壶的发放覆盖率分别为85.9%和84.0%,盐勺和油壶使用率分别为75.4%和74.8%。95.0%的发放对象通过不同途径得到了使用指导,其中68.9%来自村医。85.0%以上的使用者认为盐勺和油壶对控制盐油摄入量有帮助。3/4以上的调查对象愿意使用盐勺或油壶。干预后盐、油摄入量分别为11.20 g/(人.d)和32.69 g/(人.d),明显低于干预前的13.56 g/(人.d)和42.05 g/(人.d)(t=7.218,P<0.001;t=8.954,P<0.001),盐、油摄入达标率(15.5%和53.3%)较干预前分别提高了8.5%和24.5%。结论通过膳食干预和指导,居民的控盐、控油知识知晓率有了较大的提高,膳食行为有了明显的改善。以盐勺和油壶作为控制盐油摄入手段在帮助居民改善不良饮食习惯、平衡膳食方面发挥了积极有效的作用。 Objective To investigate the distribution and application of salt measuring spoons and scaled oil pots and evaluate their intervention effects.Methods Families of rural residents were selected by a randomized multi-stage stratified sampling from eight counties in the middle-west areas of Shandong Province.Free salt measuring spoons and scaled oil pots were handed out to residents.The participated families were trained for the appropriate usage of the spoons and oil pots.Results The possession proportions of the salt measuring spoons and the scaled oil pots were 85.9% and 84.0%,respectively,for families in the intervention villages.75.4% and 74.8% of those families used the spoons and the oil pots regularly.95% of participants were trained for the appropriate usage of the utensils and 70% of them were trained by village doctors.More than the 85% of users thought that the salt measuring spoons and scaled oil pots were helpful in controlling the intakes of salt and oil.Over 3/4 of participants were willing to use salt spoons and oil pots in future.The intakes of salt and oil were obviously lower after intervention(11.20 and 32.69g/person·d) than those before intervention(13.56 and 42.05g/person·d)(t=7.220,P〈0.001;t=8.950,P〈0.001).The proportions of healthy levels of salt and oil intake increased 8.5% and 24.5% respectively with the intervention.Conclusion The intervention of salt measuring spoons and scaled oil pots increased the awareness of healthy dietary habits and decreased the intakes of salt and oil in residents of rural areas.
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2010年第11期1104-1107,共4页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
基金 卢森堡-WHO-山东省农村卫生人员培训与慢病控制项目(WP/2006/CHN/NCD/2.4/001)
关键词 盐勺 油壶 膳食干预 效果评价 Salt spoon Oil pot Dietary intervention
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