目的分析保定市2005—2009年麻疹发病年龄特征,为消除麻疹采取针对性的措施提供科学依据。方法对麻疹病例年龄构成比和年龄发病率进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2005—2007、2008—2009年麻疹病例构成比,<8月龄人群构成比分别为12.67%、15.60%;≤2岁人群分别为40.3%、58.01%,呈上升趋势;3~7岁人群构成比分别为14.3%、12.3%,呈减少趋势;≥15岁人群麻疹病例分别占总病例的36.71%、26.40%。2005—2009年0~8岁各年龄发病率均在11.37/10万以上,其中≤1岁发病率最高。结论麻疹发病年龄主要特征是以小年龄为主,主要集中在≤2岁儿童。<8月龄婴儿构成比逐年上升,≥15岁人群麻疹病例占有较高的比例。建议提高2剂麻疹的接种率和8月龄婴儿麻疹及时接种率,适时开展8月龄~14岁儿童麻疹疫苗的强化免疫,加强成人麻疹疫情监测和人群免疫水平监测。
[ Objective] To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of age distribution of measles incidence in Baoding City dur- ing 2005 -2009, and provide scientific evidence for specific strategies and measures of measles elimination.. [ Methods] Descriptive epidemiology was adopted to analyze the constituent ratio of age and age incidence of measles cases. [ Results ] The constituent ratio of measles cases during 2005 -2007 and 2009 -2009: for 〈 8 months age group, that was 12.67% and 15.60%, respectively; for ≤ 2 years age group, that was 40.3% and 58.01%, respectively, showing upward tendency; for 3 -7 years age group, that was 14.3% and 12.3% , respectively, showing downward tendency; patients ≥15 years occupied 36.71% and 26.40% of total cases. The measles incidences among each age group between 0 - 8 years old during 2005 -2009 were all above 11.37/100 000, the peak appeared in ≤1 year age group. [ Conclusion ] Most of measles cases were found among children, especially among children ≤ 2 years old. The constituent ratio of measles cases of 〈 8 month increased annually, and measles cases I〉 15 years occupies higher pro- portion. It is suggested to improve the coverage rates of 2 doses and timely coverage rate of measles vaccine among infants aged 8 months, to conduct measles supplementary immunization activities ( SIAs ) at suit time, and strengthen adult measles surveillance and the population immunity level monitoring.
Occupation and Health
Epidemiological feaures