[目的]了解盘锦市城区网吧卫生状况,进一步加强管理,消除可能的健康隐患,为监督管理提供科学依据。[方法]2009年11月,对盘锦市城区40家不同面积网吧进行调查。[结果]调查网吧40家,电脑每台占地面积2.41 m2;有机械通风装置的占52.50%,有禁烟标志的占87.50%,备有洗手液或肥皂的占37.50%,销售食品和饮料的占97.50%,销售烟品的占10.00%,对鼠标、键盘进行消毒的占82.50%;室内温度合格率为92.50%,相对湿度合格率为70.00%,噪声强度全部合格,空气二氧化碳、可吸入颗粒物合格率分别为15.00%、45.00%。检测室内空气174份,金黄色葡萄球菌检出率为4.60%;检测电脑194台,鼠标大肠菌群、金黄色葡萄球菌检出率分别为9.79%、31.96%,键盘上大肠菌群、金黄色葡萄球菌检出率分别为14.95%、20.62%。[结论]盘锦市城区网吧的卫生状况较差。
[Objective] To understand the hygienic conditions in urban internet cafes of Panjin city,further strengthen the management,eliminate the hidden health risks,and provide scientific basis for monitoring and management.[Methods]In November 2009,40 internet cafes of various sizes were investigated in urban area of Panjin city.[Results]Of all the internet cafes investigated,each computer occupied 2.41 m2;52.50 % of them had mechanical ventilations;87.50% of them had no smoking signs;37.50% of them had hand lotions or soaps;97.50% of them sold food and drinks;10.00% of them sold cigarettes and 82.50% of them disinfected computer mice and keyboards;the pass rate of qualified room temperature was 92.50%;the pass rate of qualified humidity was 70.00%;all cafes passed required noise intensity;the pass rate of qualified respirable particulate was 45.00% and the CO2 was 15.00%.The indoor air of the 174 internet cafes was tested.The detective rate of the coliform and the staphylococcus aureus were 14.96% and 20.62% respectively in the mice and 14.95%,20.62% respectively in the keyboards.[Conclusion]The hygiene state of internet cafes in Panjin urban area is very poor.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Internet cafes
Hygienic condition