目的 观察复杂眼外伤致睫状体离断并伴有眼前后节损伤患者的手术治疗效果.方法 B型超声及超声生物显微镜(UBM)检查确诊存在不同程度睫状体离断伴眼前后节损伤,需行玻璃体切割手术治疗的复杂眼外伤患者55例55只眼纳入本研究.其中,眼球钝挫伤35例,眼球破裂伤20例.视力无光感~0.15,不能矫正.眼压1~10 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),睫状体离断范围1~12个钟点.所有患者均行经扁平部玻璃体切割联合睫状体离断复位术.对于睫状体离断范围≤3个钟点者,冷冻封闭睫状体离断口 睫状体离断范围>3个钟点者,缝合离断的睫状体与相应巩膜.手术后就外伤愈合、视力、眼压、眼内出血、睫状体以及视网膜的复位情况进行随访.结果 手术后1个月,UBM检查显示,54例患者睫状体复位良好,1例患者前房角镜检查仍见针尖大小离断口,第2次手术缝合后复位成功.手术后3个月,55例患者眼外伤愈合良好,视力无光感~0.15,最佳矫正视力为0.8.视网膜在位,睫状体复位良好.52例患者眼压恢复至正常范围,另外3例眼压仍低于10 mm Hg.3例发生继发性青光眼,手术后15 d行抗青光眼手术,眼压得以控制.结论 经扁平部玻璃体切割联合睫状体冷冻或缝合复位手术治疗复杂眼外伤致睫状体离断并伴有眼前后节损伤患者安全有效,避免了分期手术的痛苦,手术后眼压恢复良好,部分患者恢复了有用的视力.
Objective To explore the surgical techniques, efficacy and the management of complicated ocular trauma with anterior-posterior segment complications such as cyclodialysis. Methods Fifty-five patients (55 eyes) with complicated ocular trauma were enrolled in this study. Among them, there were 35 cases with eyeball contusion and 20 cases of eyeball rupture. Preoperative visual acuity was from no light perception to 0. 15, intraocular pressure (IOP) ranged from one to 10 mm Hg (1 mm Hg=0. 133 kPa).Cyclodialysis, vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment were revealed by B-ultrasound and ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). Cyclodialysis clefts ranged from one to 12 clock-hours. All patients underwent 3-port pars plana vitrectomy with gas/silicone oil tamponade and ciliary body reattachment by cryotherapy (cyclodialysis clefts ≤ three clock-hours) or suture fixation ( cyclodialysis clefts 〉 three clock-hours).Healing after surgical trauma, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, intraocular hemorrhage, ciliary body and retinal reattachment were followed up. Results In one month after surgery, UBM showed 54 patients out of 55 patients had good ciliary body reattachment. Gonioscopy revealed cyclodialysis still existed in one patient, and this was cured by a second surgical suture fixation. In three months after surgery, ocular trauma healed in all 55 patients, the visual acuity ranged from no light perception to 0. 15, with a best corrected visual acuity of 0.8. The ciliary body and retina had good reattachment. IOP of 52 patients was normal IOP of three patients was still lower than 10 mm Hg. Three patients had secondary glaucoma which was treated by glaucoma surgery. Conclusions Complicated ocular trauma with cyclodialysis can be treated with vitrectomy and cryotherapy or transscleral sutures. The procedure is safe and effective.
Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases