In recent years, the logistics parks have become an emerging type of industry in China's modern logistics industry development. And the logistics parks play an important role in improving the organizational level of the logistics, integrating logistic resources and transforming the pattern of economic development. In this paper, many dilemmas are revealed gradually, such as the uneven development, the tremendous differences of profit-making and ambiguous functional orientation during the process of plan, construction and operation of China's Logistics Parks. The main reasons lie in the fact that most logistics parks center on themselves, that they lack the collaborative interaction and that the effective network system thus will hardly be established. Based on the non-collaborative game, this paper applies the scale-based Cournot Model and the servicebased Betrand Model to the competition process among logistics parks, and indicates that it is requisite and urgent to take actions to promote the collaboration among logistics parks. Several suggestions are put forward in the end, such as improving the efficiency of resources distribution, introducing some special national planning for the logistics parks, organizing the interregional alliance and introducing the mechanism of coordination and constraining.
China Business and Market
logistics park
non-cooperative game
collaborative interaction