Objective: To explore the effects of group psychological intervemion on the quality of life in breast cancer patients. Method: Totally 133 diagnosed female breast cancer patients were randomly assigned into interventional group or control group during their clinical treatment. Forty-four patients in the interventional group joined in the group psychological intervention program and the other 89 patients in the control group only accepted the clinical treatments. The quality of life in both groups were investigated with the Quality of Life QuestionnareCore30 { QLQ-C30 } at three points which were pre-test { time of entering the group }, post-test { the fifth week after entering the group or the week of the end of the intervention } and following-up ( 3 months after the posttest } . Results: The changes of the global health status [ I 11.8 ± 28. 2 } vs. (- 7.4 ± 25.2 ) ], emotional functioning [ (11.8±24.4) vs. (-6.2±27.9)], cognitive functioning [ (4.8±20-7} vs. ( -7.6±25.3}] between the flowing-up and pre-test had significant differences between interventional group and control group. These functions ~increased in the interventional group and decreased in the control group. At the following-up, the differences of the quality of life between the patients of high global health status and the patients of low global health sta-ms both from the interventional group had no statistical significance. However in the control group the global health status [ (68.5±21.1} vs. (49.7±21.9)], physical ftmctioning [ (66.8±17.0} vs. (54.3±24.3}], role functioning [ { 48. 2± 24. 2 } vs. ( 28.0 ± 26. 3 ) ], emotional functioning [ ( 67. 1 ± 24. 2 ) vs. ( 43.4 ± 20. 9 ) ], cognitive functioning [ (62.0 ± 19. 6) vs. (42.9 ±28.1 ) ] and social functioning [ (49. 1 ±25.9} vs. (30. 4 ± 26. 5 } ] of the patients of high global health status were all significantly better than the patients of low global health status. Conclusion: The effects of group psychological
Chinese Mental Health Journal
breast cancer
group psychological intervention
quality of life
controlled study