
澳大利亚能源安全的法律政策保障及其借鉴 被引量:2

Australia's Law and Policy Guarantee of Energy Security and Its Enlightenment
摘要 面对能源安全领域的挑战,澳大利亚政府通过能源安全管理、能源创新、供应应急、关键的基础设施保护以及国际合作等法律政策保障制度应对能源安全危机。相似的能源国情为学习和借鉴澳大利亚经验奠定了基础。作为世界主要的能源生产国和消费国,中国应完善能源法律体系,从法律制度层面保障能源安全;切实加大财政税收政策扶持力度,推动新能源发展;深化国际合作,开创能源领域世界各国共赢新局面。 Facing the challenges of energy security,Australian government deals with the crisis of energy security through the energy security management,energy innovation,energy supply emergency,critical infrastructure protection and international cooperation.Similar situations in the field of energy set a basis for China to use Australian successful experience for references.As an important energy producer and consumer in the world,China should perfect the system of energy law to guarantee Chinese energy security,speed up the implementation of supportive policies of fiscal levy to promote the development of new energy and deepen the international cooperation to initiate a new situation in the field of energy of a win-win.
作者 李化
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期20-26,共7页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目(09&ZD048)
关键词 能源安全 法律政策 澳大利亚 energy security law and policy Australia
  • 相关文献


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  • 3Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Energy in Australia 2010, p. 24. Available online at http:// www. abate, gov. au/publications_html/news/news/news, html. 被引量:1
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  • 3CCID.《2009-2010年中国新能源产业发展研究年度报告》. 被引量:1
  • 4METCALF, Y.E., 2006, Federal Tax Policy towards Energy, NBER Working Paper No. 12568, http://www.nber.org/papers/w12568. 被引量:1
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  • 6See "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009",available at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/ D c 111 : 2: ./temp/,-cl 11 I18qYu. 被引量:1
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