
中国贪腐丑闻的生产场域及其作用方式研究 被引量:3

News Reports on Corruption Scandals in China:Production Mechanism and Its Operation
摘要 贪腐丑闻是指公开传播的有关政治人物(或组织)违反法律法规、党纪政纪、社会公德或公众期望等不当行为的信息。对贪腐丑闻生产场域的考察可以了解各种社会权力是如何通过作用于新闻生产场域而影响贪腐丑闻生产的。在我国,政治场域中的权力斗争成为贪腐丑闻生产的决定性力量;媒介组织在市场机制和宣传政策的双重影响下,一方面要挖掘和报道贪腐丑闻,另一方面又要与党和政府的宣传政策保持一致,受到多重审查和"潜规则"的制约;公民社会环境的不成熟未能为中国媒体的贪腐丑闻生产提供良好的公共空间;网络媒体建构的部分公共领域成为支持我国传统媒体进行贪腐丑闻生产的新兴力量。 Corruption scandals refer to the publicized information concerning the conducts of government officials or authorities that go against the law,government regulations,social ethics or the public opinion.A probe into the production mechanism of news reports on such scandals may help us understand how various social powers affect the revealing of the scandals via their influences on the mass media.In China,political factors have been a decisive force in the production of news reports on corruption scandals.The mass media,influenced by both the market and the government policy towards media,are then in a dilemma: on the one hand,they are strongly motivated to reveal corruption scandals as much,and as completely,as possible;on the other,restricted by the press censorship and other implicit rules,they have to be in consistency with the government's policies towards the news reports on such scandals.The civil society,not yet full-fledged in China,fails to offer a favorable public-opinion arena to the production of news reports on such scandals.As a result,the Internet is becoming a new force that complements the traditional mass media in this regard.
作者 李东晓
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期6-12,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目"中国贪腐丑闻的媒介框架与新闻生产研究--传媒社会学的视角"(10HQXW01)
关键词 贪腐丑闻 新闻生产 场域 作用机制 政治传播 corruption scandal news-reports production production mechanism operation political communication
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