从规模化猪场先后2次选非免疫耐受的猪瘟抗体效价≥1∶256的同日分娩母猪各10头所产10窝仔猪中各选3头进行试验,每次各30头仔猪。首先进行猪瘟母源抗体消长情况和合适首免日龄试验,结果仔猪乳前母源抗体均为0,吮吸初乳后母源抗体快速上升,15日龄达到峰值,合格率100%,20、25、30、35、40日龄逐步下降93.3%、86.7%、66.7%、33.3%、0%;其次用1、2、4头份首免量分3组进行合适首免量和二免日龄免疫试验,结果血清抗体效价合格率首免后15 d均为100%,25天1头份80%,2、4头份100%,35、45天20%、40%、50%和10%、30%、60%,55天50%、80%、100%,65、75天20%、40%、50%和10%、20%、40%。提示30日龄首免较合适,首免4头份免疫效果较佳,二免时间为55~60 d。
3 piglets from the 10 litters born on a same day by different 10 sows with a non-immunogical pestissuum antibody titer which is greater than or equals to 1∶256 were chosen twice for an experiment.The first test is to find out the dynamic of CSF maternal antibody and the optimum period of the primary immunity.The result showed that the maternal antibody of piglets were 0 before the piglets suckled.The maternal antibody increased rapidly after they suclkled and reached the peak when they were 15 days old.The qualified rate was 100% which decreased to 93.3%,86.7%,66.7%,33.3% and 0 respectively when the piglets were 20,25,30,35 and 40 days old.The second test was to find out the optimum immune dose and period of the secondary immunity among the piglets in three groups which had received the first immunity test and the injection of one,two and four doses.The result showed that the antibody in serum was 100% qualified in 15 days.The one-dose injected group was 80% qualified and the two-dose and four-dose injected groups were 100% when they were 25 days old.The other corresponding record of there groups were 20%,40% and 50% respectively when they were 35 days old,10%,30% and 60% when they were 45 days old,50%,80% and 100% when they were 55 days old,20%,40% and 50% when they were 65 days old and 10%,20% and 40% when they were 75 days old.It was indicated that the best immunity injection time for piglets was when they were 30 days old and 4-dose injection obtained the best effect.The best time for the second immunity injection was when they were 55-to-60 days old.
Journal of Foshan University(Natural Science Edition)
classical swine fever
immunity procedure