
体外电磁驱动的膀胱动力泵的建模与仿真 被引量:5

Modeling and Simulation of Bladder Power Pump Driven by External Electromagnet
摘要 针对神经源性膀胱的辅助排尿问题,基于膀胱的结构和储排尿机制,提出了一种体外电磁驱动的膀胱动力泵。为了研究其排尿动力特性,运用电磁学理论,建立了该泵的电磁驱动单元数学模型,并进行了合理简化。在此基础上,建立了描述膀胱压和尿流率与电磁铁电流、气隙宽度及永磁体体积和数量等影响因素之间关系的数学模型。仿真和试验分析结果表明,膀胱压和尿流率与电磁铁电流成近似线性关系,调节电磁铁电流可调控膀胱压和尿流率。所建立的数学模型简单有效、使用方便,可为膀胱动力泵的特性分析和结构设计提供理论依据。 To solve the problem of assisting a neurogenic bladder micturating,a bladder power pump driven by an external electromagnet was proposed,according to the structure and micturating mechanism of human bladder.To investigate the micturition performance of the pump,the mathematic model of the electromagnetic drive in the pump was built using the theory of electromagnetics,and simplified reasonably.Based on the simplified model,the mathematic models that express the relations between the intravesical pressure and urine flow rate and the influence factors such as electromagnet current,air gap,permanent magnet volume and number,were also established.The simulation and experimental results show that the intravesical pressure and the urine flow rate are approximately proportional to the electromagnet current respectively and can be regulated by adjusting the electromagnet current.The established mathematic models are simple and practicable,which provide the theoretical basis for the performance analysis and structure design of the pump.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期2963-2966,2989,共5页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(50775040) 广东省自然科学基金(07001746)
关键词 膀胱动力泵 电磁驱动 数学模型 膀胱压 尿流率 bladder power pump electromagnetic drive mathematic model intravesical pressure urine flow rate
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