Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of muhidirectional diffusion weighted image (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC) image in acute brainstem infarction. Methods 24 eases of brainstem infarction included 2 eases in super acute stage ,22 eases in acute stage. All cases were performed muhidirectional DWI, ADC and T1WI,T2WI examination including of 2 eases of midbrain ,21 eases of pans and 1 ease of medulla. All of them were accompanied with infarction of other location. Results Among 24 cases there were 13 cases that their lesions displayed clearly and established by transverse T2 WI, transverse ,coronary or sagittal DW1, ADC and the diagnostic accuracy was 54. 2%. In other 9 cases (37.5 % ) could not display the signal and extent of the lesions, but they could be confirmed by transverse ,coronary or sagittal DWI ,ADC. Moreover there were 2 cases (8. 3 % ) who were indicated accurately the diagnosis by coronary,sagittal DWI ,ADC. Conclusion Muhidirectional DWI and ADC could show the location of lesions in the lower brainstem so the multidireetional DWI and ADC scan could be an excellent method for the diagnosis of the brainstem infarction.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
Magnetic resonance imaging,diffusion
Brain stem infarctions