
位置非对称联合变换相关中相关峰特性分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Characteristics of Correlation Peaks for Position Dissymetry in Joint Transform Correlation
摘要 从联合变换相关的基本理论出发,推导了输入目标图像的位置坐标与相关输出平面上对应相关峰位置坐标关系的普适表达式,进行了单目标、多目标联合变换相关仿真实验和相关峰特性分析;分析了运动目标联合变换相关峰位置的变化规律并进行了仿真。结果表明,位置非对称联合变换相关峰始终对称地出现在相关输出平面的坐标原点的两边,且相关峰和坐标原点的连线与目标图像中心和参考图像中心的连线平行,相关峰位置到坐标原点的距离等于输入平面中目标与参考物间的距离;目标运动时,对应相关峰的位置会随目标运动而相应地改变,且二者的坐标变化量相同。 A general expression of discretional target position with its correlation peaks in correlation output is proposed based on the theory of joint transform correlation (JTC),and the single and multiple targets correlation experiments are also simulated.The characteristic of correlation peaks variation of moving targets is analyzed.The results show that dissymmetrical correlation peaks are always symmetric at two sides of coordinate centre,and the connections of correlation peaks with coordinate centre are parallel with the input target center with reference target centre.The distance of correlation peaks with coordinate center equals the input target with reference target.In addition,the correlation peaks change with the targets moving,and the value of coordinate changes are also equal.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期27-31,共5页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
关键词 联合变换相关 位置非对称 多目标识别 相关峰特性 仿真分析 joint transform correlation position dissymmetry multiple targets recognition characteristics of correlation peak simulation analysis
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