The legend of Cowherd and Spinning Lady emerged when the Zhou and Qin tribes mixed up in history, as told in the History of Qin in Records of the Grand Historian, bamboo slips used in Qin Dynasty and a geographic book from the end of Han Dynasty and the beginning of Wei Kingdom. It is further testified by the statue of Cowherd and Spinning Lady. The inscriptions on the tombstone of Yuchi Family indicate the the temple for Spinning lady should lie in the region from Xi' an to east and south Gansu. Because of the special changes in history, the legend of Spinning Lady has turned into the story about Dong Yong and temples have been built accordingly. Seen from the Qiqiao custom that still exists in east Gansu, the legend about Spinning Lady and it relevant customs were passed on in this region for a long time and spread to some counties in Shaanxi Province. Many local poets are also found to have written large numbers of poems about the legend and its customs.
Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition
Cowherd and Spinning Lady
Zhou culture
Qin culture
folk custom