

The Introduction of Gu Tiaoxi's Confucian Thought
摘要 顾应祥针对阳明后学16世纪中后期陷入虚寂和缺乏真实功夫的困境,在晚年猛烈批评阳明心学。特别是其作为阳明门人的身份从心学阵营内部对老师的思想进行批评令人寻味。在其看来,王阳明放弃了性善论导致诚敬功夫的缺乏,使天理丧失德性的浇灌,容易使读书人走向功利主义歧途。王阳明的天地万物一体观也与爱有差等的传统礼法秩序相悖。分析顾应祥的学术思想,可以发现部分阳明后学是如何向传统程朱理学回归的,也可以了解他们是如何批评阳明良知学的,这有助于增进对阳明学的了解。 Gu Yingxiang,(known as Tiaoxi),fiercely criticized the Yangming mental theory in his later years in view of the post Yangming theory' declining into of vanity emptiness and lack of authentic action in the later 16th century,especially,as a head of the Yang Ming school,his criticism of his teachers from the internal psychological school was worth pondering.In his opinion,Wang Mingyang's abundance of the theory of original goodness of the human nature resulted in the lack of trust,which made reason lose morality and which could easily lead intellectuals into an utilitarian astray.Wang Yangming's concept of heaven and earth as well as all things on earth being a unity was also against the difference of love,the traditional sequence of etiquette and standard.By analyzing Gu Yingxiang's academic thought,we can find how part of post Mingyang returned to the traditional Confucian theory and learn about how they criticized Yangming's theory of intuitive knowledge,which can contribute to understanding the Yangming theory and promoting a further study of the Huzhou Confucian School in the Ming Dynasty.
作者 邹建锋
出处 《湖州师范学院学报》 2010年第5期25-28,共4页 Journal of Huzhou University
关键词 顾应祥 明代心学 湖州 长兴 Gu Yingxiang the mental theory of the Ming Dynasty Huzhou Changxing
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