
南京国民政府时期西北边疆的社会政治生态与社会舆论 被引量:2

The Socio-political State and the Social Opinion in the Borderland of Northwest China in the Period of the National Government of Nanjing
摘要 西北边疆的社会政治生态是追求中央权威重构的南京国民政府的重要社会资源。南京国民政府时期的西北边疆,从社会政治生态上可分为甘宁青与新疆两区域;而西北边疆地区的民族与宗教关系复杂,对西北边疆的社会政治影响最大。南京国民政府时期国人关于西北边疆的社会舆论,具有政府意识与民众认识重合并轨的迹象,推进了西北边疆建设意识的发展。 The socio-political state of northwest China is an important social resource of the National Government of Nanjing that pursued the restoration of the authority of the Central Government. The borderland of northwest China in the period of the National Government of Nanjing could be divided into two regions,Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai region and Xinjiang region,and the complicated ethnic and religious relations exerted the greatest influence on the socio-political state in the borderland of northwest China. The social opinion about the borderland of northwest China was a combination of both the people's and the government's opinion,which helped enhance the awareness of constructing the borderland of northwest China.
作者 谢海涛
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第6期38-44,共7页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 南京国民政府 西北边疆 社会政治生态 社会舆论 National Government of Nanjing borderland of northwest China socio-political state social opinion
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