为了解决预测森林火灾以及森林火灾发生之后的人员及设备的合理调度问题,基于ArcGIS Engine构建森林防火与应急决策支持系统。在此系统平台上,在没有发生火灾的情况下利用AHP法结合火险天气等级进行预测预报、设置最佳观测站位置等,在火灾发生时利用GPS对火点进行精确定位,并将接收到的数据在三维场景中进行动态火势模拟,实时观测火势蔓延态势。此外,将王正非林火蔓延模型进行优化,以便更准确地模拟林火的蔓延,当火灾发生后可进行统计分析并进行损失评估。结果表明,采用王正非林火蔓延模型结合ArcGIS Engine三维分析,对森林火灾蔓延态势的掌握达到了较高的准确度。
In order to solve the forecasting forest-fire as well as personnel and the equipment reasonable scheduling problem,based on ArcGIS Engine to build forest fire prevention and emergency response decision support system. In this system platform,in the absence of fire where the use of analytic hierarchy process method combined with the ranking of fire weather forecasting,setting the best location of observation stations,at the time of the fire points in the use of GPS precise positioning of the fire,and will receive the data in three-dimensional scene dynamic simulation of real-time observing the fire from spreading the fire situation. In addition,Wang Zhengfei of non-forest fire spread model was optimized in order to more accurately simulate the spread of forest fires. After fire broke out,the statistical analysis and damage assessment could be conducted. The results showed that using the fire spread model of Wang combined with ArcGIS Engine three-dimensional analysis,the trend of the spread of forest fires reached a high mastery of accuracy.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences