
B2C电子商务模式下多渠道运作的库存策略分析 被引量:9

Analysis of Inventory Strategy in Multi-Channel under B2C E-Commerce
摘要 随着电子商务技术的发展,制造商和零售商开辟电子市场,采取混合双渠道策略来分销产品。针对B2C电子商务模式下的3种渠道结构,运用报童模型研究了3种渠道结构下的库存运作策略,通过数值算例研究比较了3种库存运作模式下制造商、零售商以及供应链系统的利润水平,并分析了需求不确定性程度对制造商、零售商最优库存的影响。 In an e-commerce environment,manufacturers and retailers can sell products in a hybrid-channel mode.Mathematical models are developed for three patterns of product selling channels under B2C e-commerce environment,respectively.With these models,inventory strategies are analyzed,and optimal inventory strategies are obtained for both manufacturers and retailers.The effect of demand uncertainty on the optimal inventory strategies is also discussed.A numerical example is presented to show the application of the proposed method.
作者 赵礼强 高燕
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2010年第5期40-44,共5页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70472032)
关键词 电子渠道 多渠道销售 库存决策 e-marketing multi-channel marketing inventory strategy
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