The Double-Jet Film-Cooling (DJFC) technology is invented by the authors and comprises a significant enhancement of the adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness due to the formation of anti-kidney vortices. The DJFC technology places a second ejection hole with compound angle in a double-hole arrangement downstream the first hole. The second hole creates a second jet with another dominating vortex rotating in opposite direction to the first one and then combines both jets to one jet. The basic applicability and function of the DJFC technology has been proven by the numerical studies and testing in a test rig. The comparison of the experimental results of the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness to the numerical results for the same blowing ratio (M=(pc)c/(pc)h) shows qualitatively similar distributions. However, the experimental results show enhanced mixing-out of the cooling air and, thus, the experimental values of the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness are lower compared to the numerical values.