Purpose: A study of the angiographic findings in coronary heart disease. MateriaIs and Methods: Both coronary ar-teriography and left ventricular cardiography in 50 cases suspected coronary heart disease were performed. Results: (1) The type ofright dominate, left dominate and balanced coronary artery were 42 (84. 0 % ), 3 (6. 'O % ), 5 (10.0% ) respectively. (2) coro-nary atherosclerotic lesion involved single vessel in 10, double vessel in 8 and triple vessel in 3. The incidence of stenosis: left anteriordescending, right coronary, left circumflex and left main trunk were 16 (43. 2% ), 11 (29. 70% ), 8 (21. 6% ), 2 (5. 4% )respectivly. (3) 1O cases of collatera1 circulation and 5 cases of ventricular aneurysm were found. conclusion (1 ) selective coronary arte-riography was the only method for definitive diagnosis of coronary heart disease. It will be useful for clinical treatment. (2) There wasa close relationship between the ventricular aneurysm and locatoins and degree of the coronary artery stenosis. (3) The presence of collat-eral circulation may prevent the en1argement of the infarctive area and the formation of the aneurysm.
Modern Medical Imageology