To investigate the inhibiting effects of low molecular weight
heparin(LMWH)on conjunctival fibroblast proliferation alone and in combination with
dexamethasone,the anti proliferation effects of heparin were compared also.Using MTT
method,we detected the dose effect relationship of LMWH on inhibiting conjunctival
fibroblast proliferation;we also evaluated the inhibiting effect on rabbit conjunctival
fibroblast proliferation of LMWH alone,LMWH combined dexamethasone and the same
anticoagulative unit heparin.The proliferation of rabbit conjuntival fibroblasts was inhibited
effectively by LMWH,the inhibiting rates changed with concertrations positively.All
medicine inhibited rabbit conjunctival fibroblast proliferation significantly at the tested
concentration( P <0 05).The inhibiting effect of LMWH was higher than that of heparin at
the same anticoagulative unit( P <0 05),no significant difference between LMWH or
dexamethasone alone and the combinition( P >0 05).This study offered a baseline for
further clinic investigation,LMWH may be used to treat proliferative eye diseases.
Ophthalmology in China