1Brown, Warren and Craig Churchill. Providing Insurance to Low Income. Part 1 - A Primer on Insurance Principles and Products. Microfinance Best Practices project, DAI, Bathesda, MD, 2000. 被引量:1
2Craig Churchill. "Protecting the poor" A microinsurance compendium.2006. P418 被引量:1
3Hanel, A. 1992. Basic aspects of cooperative organizations and cooperative self-help promotion in developing countries (Marburg). 被引量:1
4IAIS. "Issues in regulation and supervision of microinsurance" 2007. this document was prepared by the IAIS-CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) Joint Working Group on Microinsurance in consultation with IAIS members and observers and the CGAP working group on Microinsurance. 被引量:1
5James Roth,Craig Churchill,Gabriele Ramm and Namerta "Microinsurance and Microfinance Institutions _Evidence from India",CGAP Working Group on Microinsurance ,Good and Bad Practices Case Study No. 15. September 2005. 被引量:1
6Jim Roth, Michael J.McCord ,and Dominic Liber. "The Landscape of Microinsurance in the World's 100 Poorest Countries".The Microinsrance Centre,LLC,April 2007 被引量:1
7Michael J. McCord (2000a) “Microinsurance in Uganda: A case study of an example of the partneragent model of microinsurance provision” AIG/FINCA UGANDA,2000 被引量:1
8Michael J. McCord (2000b)“Microinsurance:A Case Study of An Example of The Mutual Model of Microinsurance Provision”. December 2000 被引量:1
9Michael J.McCord (2001a) “Microinsurance:a case study of an example of the provider model of microinsurance provision”, 2001 被引量:1
10Michael J.McCord, (2001b)“microinsurance: a case study of an example of the full service model of microinsurance provision” The MicroInsurance Center. for MicroSave-Afirca ,2001 被引量:1