The natural types of deposits ought to be applied in gold exploration Based on the critical characteristics of orebody,vein type gold deposits may be classified into auriferous quartz,auriferous altered rock,auriferous mylonite,adularia sericite quartz,and fine impregnated mineralization The three in one elements of gold bearing formation,fracture system and hydrothermal process are ground preparation of ore forming At present,there are some important problems in the research of auriferous quartz type (1)In craton,is the geodynamics setting of ore forming process Archean Proterozoic continental oceanic crustal plate collision and rift extension,Mesozoic orogenic mineralization and fault magmatic activity,or mantle hot plume process?(2)What is the relationship between the origin and evolution of metallogenetic fluid and geothermal event?(3)It is hard to explain the geochemical and exploring significance of the compound of oxyphile elements(such as scheelite and wolframite)and tourmaline occurring in some gold deposits (4)Can gold element get into crystal lattice of quartz and sulfide (such as pyrite and arsenopyrite)?And(5)what is the difference of regional metallogenetic process between the east and west of China?Auriferous altered rock type is suggested by Chinese geologists based on some large scale gold deposits in Jiaodong Because it is often associated with auriferous quartz,this type of deposits is rarely reported in external literatures Of the auriferous mylonite type,the key problem is whether the ductile shear zone is a kind of metallotectonics or ore controlling tectonics About adularia sericite quartz type,the minerogenic backgroud is not only Cenozoic island arc,but also expanded to Mesozoic volcanic belt and basin(China),and Upper Paleozoic orogenic belt (China and Mid Asia) In China,fine impregnated mineralization type (Carlin type)occur mainly in carbonaceous siltstone It should be further researched for the origin of deposits and whether there are genetically related intr