
生活饮用水地下水源保护区的划定方法——英国的经验值法与实例 被引量:31

Methods of delineation of groundwater protection zones the experienced method in England and a practical example
摘要 饮用水水源保护区的建设在我国有15年的历史,有一些经验积累,也有不少问题尚有待于进一步研究。地下水源保护区的划定方法有经验值法和计算机模型法,岩石土壤对水污染的过滤净化功能,是划定地下水源保护区的自然科学依据。由于岩土过滤机理至今没能搞清,经验值法应用很普遍。50日流程等值线是国际上应用最普遍的经验值。本文介绍了英国水源保护区的经验值法以及它的实际操作过程。 Establishing protection zones for drinking water resources in China has become possible since May 11, 1984 after the Law on Wastewater Prevention and Treatment was issued. Only a few groundwater protection zones have been established in China, and not all of them have been worked out properly in reality due to the problem of lack of experiences. There are two regulations for the protection of drinking water resources in China, the Drinking Water Hygiene Protection Zones (DWHPZs) and the Drinking Water Protection Zones (DWPZs), which were issued according the Drinking Water Hygiene Standards of 1976 and the Law on Wastewater Prevention and Treatment of 1984, respectively. The DWHPZs have one protection zone, while the DWPZs have three zones. In 1989 the Chinese National Environmental Agency in association with other Ministries issued the Regulation on Pollution Prevention and Treatment of Drinking Water Protection Zones. According to this regulation, a groundwater protection zone should be divided into three subzones. Zone Ⅰ is the pumping area or is some time of travel zone, Zone Ⅱ should have enough travel time, and zone Ⅲ should include the main recharge areas. Generally speaking, there are two types of zone delineating methods, the modern computer modeling method, and the experienced method like the famous 50-day travel time methodology which was found by Dr. Knorr in Germany. It is difficult for many people to apply the computer modeling method, because there is no software available and/or yet much research work needed, especially the geo and biochemical research about the time of travel zone. Therefore the experienced method is used quite popularly. In this case, the only problem is how to use the experienced method in practise. A practical example of the experienced method in England is introduced. In 1990s a project of government was carried out to research the scientific background to land surface zoning for groundwater protection. Inner Zone Ⅰ is defined by a 50-day travel time from any p
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 1999年第2期153-157,共5页 Progress in Geography
关键词 地下水源保护区 分区 饮用水 groundwater protection zones zone delineation
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