流行病学研究显示,原因不明性卒中患者中的卵圆孔未闭(patent foramen ovale,PFO)患病率显著高于普通人群,二者之间的密切联系支持反常性栓塞为卒中病因的假说.然而,在原因不明性卒中患者中,单纯检测到PFO并不能确立反常性栓塞的诊断.当PFO与其他一些因素共存时,会显著增高缺血性卒中风险.一些研究显示,伴有PFO的原因不明性卒中患者的MRI病灶模式与无PFO者并无显著差异,特别是多发性缺血灶,因此不支持反常性栓塞作为PFO患者卒中病因的理论.PFO的检测方法包括经胸壁超声心动图、经食管超声心动图(transesophageal echocardiography,TEE)和经颅多普勒(transcranial Doppler,TCD).TCD与TEE具有良好的一致性,因此应被推荐为一种简单、无创和可靠的技术,而TEE仅应在经过选择的患者中进行.PFO的治疗选择包括抗血小板药、抗凝药、经皮血管内封堵术和开胸手术.在几项重要的大样本随机对照试验完成之前,对于伴有PFO的原因不明性卒中患者,经皮封堵术仅应考虑用于治疗在接受内科治疗过程中仍然出现复发性事件、对内科治疗存在禁忌证以及某些高危解剖学风险的PFO.
Epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of patent foramen ovale (PFO) in patients with cryptogenic stroke is significantly higher than general population.The close association between cryptogenic stroke and PFO supports the hypothesis that paradoxical embolism is a cause of stroke.However,the detection of PFO alone does not establish the diagnosis of paradoxical embolism in patients with cryptogenic stroke. The risk of ischemic stroke will increase significantly when PFO and other factors coexist.Some studies tave shown that there is significant difference between the MRI lesion patterns in patients with cryptogenic stroke and PFO in those without cryptogenic stroke,particularly in multiple ischemic lesions.Therefore,it does not support the theory of paradoxical embolism as a cause of stroke in patients with PFO.The PFO detection methods include transthoracic echocardiography,transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and transcranial Doppler (TCD).TCD and TEE have a good consistency.Accordingly,TCD should be recommended as a simple,noninvasive,and reliable technique,while TEE should be only restricted to the selected patients.The treatment options of PFO include antiplatelet drugs,anticoagulant drugs,percutaneous vascular closure,and thoracotomy.Percutaneous vascular closure should only be considered the recurrent events during the medical treatment,the contraindications of medical treatment,and PFO with some anatomical high risks for patients with cryptogenic stroke with PFO before the completion of several large randomized controlled trials.
International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
Foramen ovale,patent Cerebrovascular disorders Stroke Risk factors