MCAM(Monte Carlo Automatic Modeling)是FDS团队自主开发的蒙特卡罗粒子输运计算自动建模软件,其主要功能是实现CAD模型与蒙特卡罗粒子输运计算模型之间的相互转换,但是目前MCAM基于布尔减运算算法生成的蒙特卡罗计算模型的空腔描述往往复杂,计算耗时,另外MCAM对于大量管道模型仍需手工填充建模,建模效率低,而且容易出错。为了提高蒙特卡罗计算效率,方便管道空腔建模,提出了一种基于特征识别技术的CAD模型的空腔构造算法,并实现了MCAM空腔构造功能。一方面,降低了CAD模型经过MCAM转换后的空腔描述复杂度;另一方面,可以对管道模型进行自动填充。该功能已经集成至MCAM4.8版本中,测试结果表明了其正确性和可靠性。
MCAM (Monte Carlo Automatic Modeling) is a computer aided modeling software of Monte Carlo Particle transport simulation codes with our own copyright by FDS Team. The main function is to achieve the bi-directional conversion between the CAD model and the Monte Carlo particle transport simulation model. However,the void cell description of Monte Carlo transport simulation model generated by the current version of MCAM is complex and time-consuming. In addition,it is err-prone and inefficient to manually fill a model with a large number of pipes for the user of MCAM. In order to improve the efficiency of Monte Carlo simulation and facilitate the void filling of pipe model,the paper presents a new method based on feature recognition technology for the void filling of CAD model and the void filling function of MCAM. On one hand,the complexity of void description converted by MCAM is reduced; on the other hand,the pipe models can be automatically filled. The void filling function has been integrated into MCAM.,and The results of test demonstrates its accuracy and reliability.
Control & Automation
Automatic Modeling
Void Filling
CAD Modeling
feature recognition