简要介绍了日本卫生洁具与墙地砖的由来 ,分析了日本现今卫生洁具与墙地砖研究的侧重点 ,某些卫生洁具与墙地砖的研究和生产都比较注重人类和生态 ,并在此基础上将尖端技术用于卫生洁具、墙地砖的研究 ,生产和配套使用之中 。
A brief introduction of the history of sanitaryware and tile in Japan was put forward in this paper. The latest main points of the researches on sanitaryware and tile of Japan,advances of some sanitaryware and tile and the improvement measures to production were also proposed. It was clear that the researches and produrcion of sanitaryware and tile in Japan were attached importance to humanbeings and ecology. The advanced techniques were introduced to the researches and production of sanitaryware and tile in the meantime.This was a character of sanitaryware and tile of Japan.
Jiangsu Ceramics