

Analysis of clinical characteristics in 126 women patients with coronary heart disease
摘要 目的 探讨女性冠心病的临床特点.方法 比较126例住院女性冠心病患者与同期入院450例男性患者的临床资料,分析其临床特点.结果 (1)女性患者冠心病的发病时间较男性晚,两组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.05);(2)非典型症状较男性多见,易患因素多,两组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.05);(3)非阻塞性病变较男性多见,选择非介入治疗多,预后差;(4)绝经是女性冠心病的特殊危险因素.结论 Objective To analyze the clinieal characteristies of women with coronary heart disease.Mothods Compared clinical data of 126 cases of hospitalized female patients with eoronary heart disease with 450 eases of male patients in the same period,analyzed the clinical features.Results ( 1 )The time incidence difference in which women with coromary heart discase was later than men was significant P〈0.05).(2)atypieal symptoms on women was more eommon than men.susceptible to many factors.the difference between two groups was significant(P〈0.05).(3)non-blocking lesins on women was more common than men,more female choose non-intervention than men in the treatment.poorer prognosis.(4) Menopause was another specifie risk factors for eoronary disease.Cloclusion The female and male eoronary heart disease have different characteristies.
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2010年第31期16-18,共3页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 女性 冠心病 临床特点 Female Coronary heart disease Clinical characteristies
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