为了快速高效杀灭松材线虫病疫木(简称松疫木)内的松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)和松墨天牛(Monochumus alternatus),用家用机、原木机、板材机3种微波机型开展了疫木除害试验。结果表明:3种微波机均能快速杀灭疫木内的线虫和天牛,最短2min就能100%杀灭疫木内线虫;微波除害难以得到杀灭线虫的松疫木临界温度,松疫木温度≥60、41~59、≤40℃,线虫死亡率分别为88.9%、61.3%、0;微波杀灭线虫与单位质量疫木所受到的微波能量有关,夏季3.5W.min.g-1、冬季9.0W.min.g-1能100%杀灭线虫;杀灭天牛所需能量高于线虫,其中杀灭天牛需能9.76W.min.g-1,杀灭线虫需能8.86W.min.g-1。微波杀灭线虫K与微波处理时间T和微波机功率W呈正比,与疫木质量m和升温Δt呈反比,可用公式K=T.W/(m.Δt)表达;微波处理疫木所需时间T与疫木质量m和升温Δt成正比,与微波功率W成反比,可用公式T=K.Δt.m/W表达。
A test of eradication of pine wood nematodes and cerambycid larvae was made by using three 3 kinds of microwave machines to kill the nematodes of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner&Buhrer) NicHe and larvae of Monochumus alternatus Hope in the pine wood. The billets, logs and boards infested by nematodes and larvae were put into household microwave ovens, and heated for different periods of time. Then those pine wood samples treated by microwave were examined by microscope or by naked eyes. Result shows that the three kinds of microwave machines can kill the nematode rapidly, and it is only take two minutes to eradicate all nematodes. However, it is difficult to reach the critical temperature of disinfection by microwave. The mortality rates of nematode under 60 degrees C, 41-59 degrees C ,less than or equal to 40 degrees C were 88.9%, 61.3%, 0 respectively. The required energy for 100% morality of nematodes is 3.5 W · min · g^-1 in summer and 9.0 W · min · g^-1 in winter. The energy for killing the larvae of M. alternatus is more than that for nematodes by microwave, and the former is 9.76 W · min · g^-1 and the later is 8.86 W · min · g^-1. It is concluded that microwave can quickly kill the nematodes and larvae in the pine wood. The efficiency of killing all nematodes is in proportion to the power of microwave machine and heating time, in inverse proportion to the sample weight and raised temperature of pine wood. The required time of disinfection is in proportion to the sample weight and the raised temperature, in inverse proportion to the power of microwave machine.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
Monochamus alternatus
Pine wood infested nematodes and larvae