铁芯是发电机的重要组成部分,其片间绝缘故障将影响发电机的安全运行,并可能造成严重的设备损伤,铁芯试验能较早地发现铁芯的故障点,避免故障扩大。文中介绍了ELCID(Electro-magnetic Core Imperfection Detector)铁芯试验的原理、方法,并通过实例详细介绍了ELCID在大型发电机铁芯试验中的试验情况及相关注意事项。结果表明,ELCID铁芯试验能够有效地对发电机铁芯状况作出判断。
The insulation fault occurred between different slices of the iron cores will seriously affect the operation of the generators since the iron core is one of the most important components.With the experiments carried out on the iron cores,the faults can be detected more early to avoid the deterioration of the issues.The fundamental and specific operation methods of ELCID(Electro-magnetic Core Imperfection Detector) are introduced in the paper,and the detailed precautions analyzed with several examples are also proposed.The iron-loss tests are proved to be feasible for the judgment of the condition of the iron cores.
Jiangsu Electrical Engineering