介绍了应用在软件无线电技术中的4进制相对相移键控调制解调算法原理,完成了该调制解调算法的MATLAB建模和仿真,设计了基于VerilogHDL语言的调制解调系统各个模块及整个系统的硬件,实现了基于QuartusII 6.0开发环境的功能仿真和综合.仿真结果显示,该设计方案成功地实现了基于FPGA的4进制相对相移键控调制解调算法,得到了预期结果.
The principle of quadrature differential phase shift keying modem algorithm for software radio is introduced.Algorithm modeling and simulation are implemented in MATLAB environment.The hardware architecture of submodule and top module of modem system are designed by using Verilog HDL.And functional simulations and synthesis are done in QuartusII 6.0 software.The result of simulation shows that the QDPSK modulation and demodulation system based on FPGA has obtained desired functions.
Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power