目的采用对应分析的方法考察广州市居民健康素养状况与其社会学特征之间的关系,探讨此方法用于健康素养研究的适宜性。方法采用多阶段随机整群抽样的方法,抽取广州市3个行政区域的1440名18~69岁常住居民进行健康素养调查,使用Epi Data 3.1录入数据,采用SPSS 13.0进行数据分析。结果年龄、文化程度、职业、婚姻、家庭收入、家庭人口数等社会学因素对健康素养水平均有不同影响。年轻、高文化程度、从事以脑力劳动为主的职业、未婚或正常婚姻状态、家庭高收入、家庭常住人口数在2~5人的群体,是高健康素养群体,但不意味着他们在健康素养的不同维度上具有同等的优势;中老龄(〉40岁)、低文化程度、从事以体力劳动为主、非正常婚姻状态、家庭低收入、家庭人口数过少或过多的群体,其健康素养的各个维度均表现出较低的水平。结论对应分析方法在人群健康素养研究中有较好的适用性,可以直观地表现因素间的相关关系,比一般的卡方检验提供了更多的信息,可为有关部门制定卫生政策和干预策略提供更详尽的参考依据。
Objective To observe the relationship between diverse social characteristics and three dimensions of health literacy by Correspondence analysis,and to explore the adaptability of correspondence analysis in health-related researches.Methods 1440 citizens were selected from 3 districts of Guangzhou with multi-stage stratified cluster sampling.All participants completed the health-related questionnaire under controlling quality strictly.Data was inputted in Epi Data 3.0 software and was analyzed by SPSS 13.0.Results Age,literacy,occupation,marriage,income and family size influenced people's health literacy levels.Those who were young(40 years),with higher literacy,dealing with brainwork,unmarried or being in normal marriage state,having higher income and leading a life with 2-5 family members,had higher health literacy.But it did not mean that they had the same advantages in different dimentions.While people in contrary states had lower health literacy in all dimensions.Conclusion Correspondence analysis was more sensitive and acute than Chi-square test in indicating relationships between diverse factors and health-related quality,and correspondence analysis was very universal in health-related researches and could provide very detailed information for policy making.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Correspondence analysis
Health literacy
Social characteristics