阐述了城市网格化管理模式的理念,并结合宝鸡市网格化管理系统的建设,探讨了宝鸡市网格化管理系统的总体框架。介绍了MapObjects组件的开发方法,采用MapObjects组件与Visual Basic开发语言相结合的开发模式,同时,文章给出了部分示例。实践证明,采用这种开发模式,大大缩短了系统的开发周期,降低了开发难度,并极大地提高了系统的应用效率。
This paper illustrates the idea of city-grid management pattern and discusses the overall framework of Baoji city-grid management system by combining the construction of Baoji city-grid management system.It introduces the development method using MapObjects components and the development pattern when using the MapObjects in Visual Basic development language.Finally,some examples are provided in this paper.It is proved that this development pattern can shorten development period,reduce the development difficulty,and hugely enhance the system' application efficiency.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology