1996 年春, 对辽宁地区中华绒螯蟹亲蟹体内的纤毛虫病进行了组织病理观察, 并做了几种药物的防治实验。结果发现, 此虫不仅大量寄生于蟹鳃和消化道, 还侵蚀肝脏、生殖腺、心脏和肌肉等器官组织, 致使亲蟹停止摄食, 活动力减弱, 呼吸困难, 直至窒息而死亡。药物试验结果表明:孔雀石绿6 ~10 g/ m 3 和甲醛溶液 ( 体积分数为36 % ) 100 ~200 m L/ m 3 在30 min 内均可有效杀灭此虫; 100 g/ m 3 的制霉菌素在5 min 内可使此虫细胞裂解; 用含30 g/kg 制霉菌素的药饵饲喂病蟹, 疗效显著。
The histopathology of histozoic ciliata disease in mother body of woolly handed crab, \%Eriocheir sinensis \%H Milne Edwards was observed in fisheries cultural mill of Liaoning district in spring 1996 Several treatments for this ciliata disease was preliminary treated with different drugs The results show that not only the gills and the digestive system of crabs were full occupied, but also the tissues of the ovary, the liver, the heart and the muscle of ones were corroded in by this parasites Result in the egg cell of mother crabs had not developed or abnormally developed, some crabs had stopped feeding, weaken activity, difficult breathed, until were died because the breath system was obstructed or other bacterial contamination The death rates were 10% everyday This parasites were effectively killed with either 6~10 g/m\+3 malachite green and 100~200 mL/m\+3 formolin solution in thirty minutes; the body cells of ones were splited with 100 g/m\+3 fungicidin in five minutes; the activity of ones were somewhat inhibited with oxytetracycline and chloromycetin, the ones were not killed completely It is most effective to treatment method that diseased crabs were fed with fungicidin mediated feed
Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
Eriocheir sinensis\%
spawner of \%Eriocheir sinensis\%
ciliata disease