目的 观察IPS e.max press铸瓷髓腔固位冠在无髓磨牙保存修复中的临床效果.方法 选择45颗无髓磨牙,先经根管治疗及龈上洁治术,1~2周后预备剩余牙冠以及髓腔,硅橡胶印模、灌模,制作铸瓷髓腔固位冠,树脂粘结剂粘固.并于6个月、1年后复查.并将龈沟出血指数与对侧同名牙做配对比较.结果 1年内修复体保存率及临床可接受率为100%,髓腔固位冠无松动,边缘密合,可发挥正常咀嚼功能,美观效果良好.牙龈无明显红肿,其龈沟出血指数与对照牙之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 IPS e.max press铸瓷髓腔固位冠用于无髓磨牙保存修复可取得良好的效果,尤其对于短冠磨牙是一种很好的修复选择.
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of IPSe. max press ceramic endocrowns being used in preserving endodontically treated molars. Methods Forty-five endodontically treated molars were selected from 45 patients in this study. All the molars had been endodontically treated and performed with ultrasonic scaling. After 1-2 weeks, the crowns and pulp chambers were prepared. The impressions and master casts were gained and IPSe. max press ceramic endocrowns were fabricated in the lab. The endocrowns were cemented with resin cement. The further consultations were offered to these molars after 6 months and 1 year. The difference of sulcus bleeding index among these endodontically treated molars and the same teeth in the opposite sides was compared. Results In these cases, 100 % of endocrowns were
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology