1992年 1月,Varta和 Robert Bosch两家企业共同建立了一家子公司──VB汽车蓄电池公司,该公司目前在德国是市场主导,在欧洲汽车蓄电池行业排行第二。两家公司并因此把它们自己的生产场所都转移到这家新成立的联合企业中。目前,这一独特的德国生产基地年产约350万套起动器蓄电池。为了在将来能够成功地立足于市场,VB汽车蓄电池公司必须不断改进产品及制造过程。为此,需要各种薄弱环节和出现的故障的全面信息。为了满足这些要求,该公司与汉诺威大学质量保证研究所合作在汉诺威工厂作为试验项目引进了一套新型的信息系统,该系统以因特网技术为基础。下文将对该系统以及随内联网引进而积累的经验作一描述。
In January 1992, the enterprises Varta and Robert Bosch built their common subsidiary VB Auto-Battery which is now market leader in Germany and the No. two at the field auto-battery in Europe.The two comlpanies transferred then their own manufacturing places into this new built union enterprise. At the unique Cerman location, 3. 5 millions starter-batteries are produced now every year. It is necessary for VB Auto-battery, to improve constantly itS products and manufacturing processess in older to exist successfully at the market in the future. For this purpose, man should have all information about weak points and happening faults. In cooperation with the institute of quality insurance of Hanover University, it imported a new information system, which bases on the Internet technology, as pilot project at the factory Hanover. At the following, this system and experiences which man had with the importing Intranet will be described.
Industrial Engineering and Management