
舵/鳍联合减摇的H_∞控制方法 被引量:2

An H_∞ Control Approach for Rudder/Fin Roll Stabilization
摘要 针对舵/鳍联合减摇控制系统的特点,提出了一种新的基于正实性设计思想的H∞控制方案,并根据设计结果对控制器参数进行了综合调节。采用H∞混合灵敏度设计方法,从基本的性能要求和鲁棒稳定性要求出发,对舵减摇控制回路和减摇鳍控制回路进行了设计,并且详细地给出了各个权函数的确定过程。在设计过程中不但考虑了舵机和鳍机的非线性限制,还分析了Bode积分定理对性能的约束条件,在系统的性能和控制输出之间进行了折衷,给出了一组最优的设计结果。仿真结果表明,所设计的H∞控制系统在相应的频带内具有指定的性能,系统在不同海况,不同遭遇角时,都取得了很高的减摇率。而且在对象存在摄动的情况下系统仍具有最优的性能和很好的鲁棒稳定性。 Considering the characters of the rudder/fin roll stabilization control system,an H∞ control approach based on the positive real concept is proposed,and the controller parameters are adjusted according to the synthesis results.The H∞ mixed sensitivity design is used for the rudder roll stabilization loop and fin roll stabilization loop.The determination of weighting functions is fully discussed based on the performance specifications and robust stability requirements.Allowing for the nonlinear limits of the rudder(fin) and the performance limitation caused by the Bode integral theorem,the tradeoff between the system performance and control output are considered in the design,and an optimal design result is given.The simulation results show that the H∞ control system has the specified performance,and good stabilization effects are achieved under different sea state and different encounter angle.Furthermore,for the perturbed plant,the system also has optimal performance and good robust stability.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期595-598,共4页 Control Engineering of China
基金 哈尔滨工程大学校基础研究基金资助项目(HEUFT07008) 哈尔滨工程大学青年骨干教师支持计划资助项目(No.0811) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60703090)
关键词 H∞控制 舵/鳍联合减摇 Bode积分 性能约束 H∞ control rudder/fin roll stabilization Bode intrgral performance limitation
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