鹿茸是雄性鹿的第二性征,也是哺乳动物器官中唯一能完全再生的。鹿茸是从着生于头部的被称为角柄的永久性骨桩上发生、再生和脱落的。鹿接近青春期时,雄激素逐渐升高并刺激角柄生长。如果在角柄发生前将公鹿去势,角柄将终生不能发生,但当给其施以足够的外源睾酮激素时,可以诱导它们重新生长。研究结果发现,角柄的发生除了与雄性激素有关外,还受到营养水平的调节,只有当鹿的体重达到一定阈值时,角柄才能发生。进一步研究结果发现,营养水平通过调控体内胰岛素样生长因子1(kinsulin-like growth factor l,IGF1)而调节角柄的发生。因此角柄发生不仅与雄性激素有关,也依赖于体内IGF1水平。由于鹿茸的完全再生取决于角柄,因此,对角柄发生机制的研究是对鹿茸再生研究的一个重要方面。作者针对IGF1和睾酮激素对鹿角柄发生所产生的影响进行综述,为研究角柄发生机制提供重要依据。
Antler is the unique organ which can fully regenerate in the mammals.After the formation of the first antler,antlers are cast and regenerate in yearly cycles from the permanent bony protuberances,known as pedicles,current researches demonstrated that regenerating antlers are the derivatives of the pedicle periosteum.Therefore,it is highly relevant to study the initiation mechanism of the pedicles if antler regeneration is to be investigated.Research shows when the deer body weight reaches a certain threshold,the pedicles begin to grow,irrespective of deer age and season.It means that initiation of pedicles not only rely on androgenic hormones,but also depend on the nutrition levels.However,it is not known thus far how androgen hormones and nutrition work in concert on pedicle initiation.This article reviewed the currently available knowledge with regard to the relationship between the IGF1 and testosterone hormones,and the synergistic effects of androgenic IGF1 and testosterone on deer pedicle initiation,which provides an important basis for understanding the mechanism underlying pedicle regeneration.
China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine