目的探讨Fisher综合征的临床特点,以提高对本病的诊治水平。方法回顾性分析11例Fisher综合征的发病机制、临床表现、治疗及预后。结果神经系统症状:眩晕、视物成双、四肢轻无力、手足麻木,主要神经系统体征:眼外肌麻痹、腱反射减弱或消失、共济失调等。脑脊液蛋白升高9例(0.5~1.8g/L,平均0.85g/L),细胞数均正常,肌电图示神经性损害9例,CT和MRI检查均未发现异常,免疫球蛋白可有效缓解病情。结论 Fisher综合征呈相对良性病程,预后较好,免疫球蛋白治疗有效。
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of Fisher's Syndrome (FS) and to improve the diagnosis and treatment. Methods A study was conducted in 11 cases with the clinical diagnosis of FS, and the pathophysiologic mechanism, clinical features, treatment and prognosis were summarized. Results The major symptoms of nervous system included dizziness, diplopia, weakness of limbs and extremities paraesthesia. The major physical signs included external ophthalmoplegia, loss of tendon reflex and ataxia. Increased protein (9 patients) was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid, however, the number of cells was normal (11 patients). Nine patients were found to have auxiliary fibers injury in electromyologram (EMG). There was no positive finding in computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients had good response to immunoglobulin. Conclusions Fisher's syndrome is a relatively benign disease and has good prognosis. Immunoglobulin is effective in this condition.
Beijing Medical Journal