objective: to assess the impact of screening program on medical expenditures for primary liver cancer (PLC) in China Methch: 18816 high - risk subjects of PLC were randomized allocated into screening (9373) or control (9443). AFP comined with ultrasond was offered to participants in the screening group evny 6 months, controls were not told about the study and received no test. PLC patients in two groups were treated appropriately and followed up. Only direct medical asts were determined in the study,the effectiveness was year of life saved. Cost - effectivenase analyses and sensitivity analyas were conducted. Results: up to Dec.1997, there were 86 PLC patients in the screening grop and 51 in the control group. Under the assumption of compliance of 58. 2 %,Total cost per person screened was 126 RMB, compared with the cost per person in contnd group of 117 RMB. The PLC patients in scredng group were in relative earlier stages; Screening for decreased 28 percent of mortality from PLC. Screening would save 508. 3 years of life per 100,000 persons screened for one year, thus offering a cost - effectiveness ratio of 1775 RMB per year of life saved.The incidence of PLC, sensitivity and speificity of screening test, and compliance rate would impact the cost - effectiveness of the program. Conclusions: Though it is no likely to reduce medital expenditures for PLC, Screening can reduce the mortality rate from PLC. Screening program would be more cost - effective in higher PLC incidence; increase of compliance of screening would greatly improve the effectiveness of sereening.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Primary hepatic cancer Screening Cost - effectiveness analysis Sensitivity analysis