The stone inscription by the first emperor in the Song dynasty is of great importance in the history of political thoughts, the main content of which is no killing scholars. Its documents can be di- vided into such two groups as direct evidence and indirect evidence proving the existence of the stone inscription. The direct evidence includs six historical materials, as is first showm in the book Seen in the Northern Hunting by Cao Xun, completely recorded in the book Casual Notes in the Summer Holiday by Lu You, and after Song Dynasties directly admitted in the History of Song Dynasties and On Song Dynasties And Their History by Wang Fuzhi; the indirect evidenve is given by scholars like Cheng Yi, Shao Yong and his children and grand-children, after Song Dynasties can be seen in the History of Song Dynasties and Notes Everyday by Gu Yanwu. Among two groups of materials, especilaly Important Facts Yearly Since 1127 (Jianyan) and History of Song Dynasties written in the Yuan dynasty are of duality which serve as both direct and indirect evidence. The cultural and academical prosperity in the Song dynasty has something to do with related institutions for no killing scholars.
Academic Monthly
stone inscription by the first emperor in the Song dynasty, no killing scholars, family rules by ancestors, direct evidence, indirect evidence