
以眼外肌肥大为主要CT征的眼眶病分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the orbital diseases which manifested enlargement ofextraocular muscles on CT
摘要 目的多种眼眶病表现为以眼外肌肥大为主要的临床特征,根据不同的眼外肌肥大CT表现特点,可为临床诊断和治疗提供依据,方法自2004年1月至2007年12月,对CT表现有不同特征的跟外肌肥大的连续就诊患者共225例.据其表现特点,明确病因并鉴别诊断。结果计有8种眼眶病。甲状腺相关眼病(TAO)175例,叭炎型炎性假瘤26例,颈动脉海绵窦漏(CCF)8例,转移性眼外肌肿瘤4例,肌肉静脉血管瘤4例,眶内恶性淋巴瘤6例,眼外肌血肿1例.眼外叭植物性异物1例:结论根据眼外叽肥尺的CT特征,结合病史及临床表现能做出正确的诊断. Objective To analyze the orbital diseases with enlargement of extraocular muscles. To provide the clinical diagnosis and treatment methods based on the characters of the enlarged extraocular muscles. Methods There were 225 consecutive cases whose CT showed enlargement of extraoeular muscles in our department. According to its manifest, etiology and differential diagnosis can be determined. Results There were 8 kinds of orbital diseases manifested extraocular muscle enlargement in CT, which were thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) 175 cases, myositis 26 cases, carotid-cavernous sinus fistula (CCF) 8 cases, orbital malignant lymphoma 6 cases, extraocular muscles metastatic tumors 4 cases, extraocular muscles venous hemangioma 4 cases, extraocular muscles haematoma 1 case, extraocular muscles wooden foreign body 1 case. Conclusions According the characters of enlarged extraocular muscle, combined with medical history and clinical signs can we obtained correct diagnosis.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1019-1021,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 CT 眼外肌肥大 眼眶病 鉴别诊断 CT Extraocular muscle enlargement Orbital disease Differential diagnosis
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