以一类液压缸为例,介绍了一种基于Visual Basic的设计计算方法,该方法只需输入用户需求基本数据就能快速给出设计计算结果。该计算结果应用到Pro/E软件中,给出了基于Pro/E的同类型、同结构、尺寸不同的机械零件库及其对应装配库建立方法。该方法缩短了设计周期,保障设计可靠性,节省人工费用,提高了企业生产效率。
Take the SG1-D80?560-L hydraulic cylinder as the example, it introduces a kind of calculating method based Visual Basic. Designer can quickly get the calculated result though inputting basic data in VB. The results applied to the Pro / E. establishing machinery parts library and forming its corresponding assembly library that are same type, same structure and different size based on Pro/E. It is a very useful method to shorten design cycle, ensure design reliability, save labor costs and improve production efficiency for enterprises.
Coal Mine Machinery