
特发性高钙尿症研究新进展 被引量:3

The New Improvement of Idiopathic Hypercalciuria
摘要 特发性高钙尿症的发病机制目前尚不是很清楚,甲状旁腺素水平的改变、肾磷漏出的增加、1,25-(OH)2D3活性的增强、维生素D受体表达的增强、钙敏感受体的增多、骨再吸收的增强均参与发病,此外,遗传因素尤其是TRPV5基因表达的缺失、维生素D受体基因多态性、钙敏感受体基因第7外显子单核苷酸多态性、降钙素受体基因多态性是目前的研究热点。治疗上除传统的低钙饮食及噻嗪类利尿剂应用外,中药辅助治疗及羟乙磷酸钠、舒林酸也取得一定疗效。 Idiopathic hypercalciuria′s pathogenesis is not very clear,Changes in parathormone levels,renal phosphate leakage increases,1,25-(OH)2D3 activity increased,vitamin D receptor expression increases,the increase in calcium sensing receptor,the enhancement of bone resorption were involved in the disease,In addition,genetic factors,especially the absence of TRPV5 gene expression,vitamin D receptor gene,calcium-sensing receptor gene exon 7 single nucleotide polymorphisms,calcitonin receptor gene polymorphism is present hotspot.The traditional treatment of low calcium diet and the application of thiazide diuretics,Chinese medicine,attenuates sodium phosphate,sulindac,also made in animal experiments a certain effect.
作者 刘艳 张碧丽
出处 《医学综述》 2010年第19期2969-2972,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 儿童 高钙尿症 遗传因素 Children Idiopathic hypercalciuria Genetic factors
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