Not too long ago, seismic imaging of the Earth's interior relied almost exclusively on the illumination from energetic sources, such as earthquakes or artificial sources. However, recent theoretical and laboratory studies have shown that the impulse response (Green's function) of a structure between two receivers can be obtained from the cross-correlation of "random" noise wavefields recorded at the two receivers. The basic idea is that a random field contains coherent signals traveling between the receivers,
Not too long ago, seismic imaging of the Earth's interior relied almost exclusively on the illumination from energetic sources, such as earthquakes or artificial sources. However, recent theoretical and laboratory studies have shown that the impulse response (Green's function) of a structure between two receivers can be obtained from the cross-correlation of "random" noise wavefields recorded at the two receivers. The basic idea is that a random field contains coherent signals traveling between the receivers,
support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (EAR-0838188)